Saturday, May 10, 2008

Night Pages: 47 - 65

In section four of Night, Eliezer is chosen by someone to do electircal operations as a prisoner. His father is also doing the same project as Eliezer. As work contiunes, Eliezer meets three people: Juliek, Yosi, and Tibi. Eliezer has his gold crown removed by a dentist when they arrive in Buna. Somehow he manages to get over his gold crown being removed.

The narrator in Night later fast forwardz into time and then goes back into Eliezer's time when his father is a victim to an Idek rage.

A man is shot when he tries to crawl over a barrel of soup. He is shot in the head. Eliezer also tell stories of how two people were also hanged. The experiences these people have gone through have been heartbreaking and ridicuolus.


JBaLLa said...

Elie told the dentist who was removing all of the Jews gold crowns that he wasn't feeling good. This occured twice and by the time Elie went back the dentist was arrested. He did get his crown removed later in the chapter though.

patrick reynolds said...

Nice blog

BSchoff1212 said...

I wonder if Idek ever killed anyone in a fit of rage. good openion!